Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Methods and Risks Involved in Skin Bleaching

Skin bleaching is a well-known cosmetic procedure which is preferred by many all over the world. Various methods and risks are associated with the process though.

Most people who are not happy with their skin color tend to opt for skin bleaching for getting rid of the tint of their skin. One needs to understand here that the primary purpose of skin bleaching is to correct imperfections which are found usually in the skin’s pigmentation.

Skin Bleaching Cream can help lighten skin conditions which are detrimental to your looks and also help you to feel more confident about yourself. It is also known that people are usually happy with their changed appearance caused by skin bleaches.

Various methods are used for the process, but not all methods are good for the skin. Some chemical methods are usually quite harmful to the skin and need to be avoided. Mainly about three types for skin bleaching are used all over the world:
  • The chemical method is harsh for the skin since chemicals force their way to correct pigmentation issues of the skin. Only skin professionals are allowed to use this method since the risk involved with the method is huge. This method also brings in the quickest results.
  • The natural method involves skin bleaching with the use of natural botanicals which can whiten the skin. This method is usually a domestic process and is slow in actually affecting the skin. Nonetheless, it is a healthier method for the skin.
  • The laser method involves skin bleaching with the help of a laser which is available at a dermatologist’s office; the method is extremely expensive to be done.
Many risks are involved with chemical bleaches since this method might induce burns and scars which can be permanent in nature. Many people have also complained of skin problems especially itching and corrosiveness of skin resulting from chemicals and allergic reactions.

Some people have reported that the burns and reactions take more than 4-5 weeks to heal and get cured. People are mostly advised by skin consultants to avoid bleaching chemicals without medical supervision since chances are that their eyes and other skin areas might be damaged.

There are also some reports which have attributed chemical skin bleaching to cancerous growth of cells leading to hyperpigmentation and skin defects. Though the chemical method is good enough for fast results, it is the riskiest method which needs to be avoided. People who are adamant about using it without medical supervision have not been able to reverse the side effects and rue the fact that they should have stuck to their health practitioner’s advice. It is not worth the risk of using hazardous chemicals for skin bleaching since their misuse might just ruin your life.

Natural skin bleaching methods are effective in the end and even skin specialists recommend the use of such bleaches. The effect is good enough with the new products and one should be very sure if they are using the right bleach for their skin.

Better Complexions Provide unique Skin care products like Skin Whitening Cream,Chemical Peels, Azelaic acid,Skin Peels and Skin Bleaching  is a natural methods for Skin lightening skin tone, pigmentation without harsh Skin bleaching chemicals.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Advantages of using Chemical Peels for Aging Skin and other Maladies

Chemical peels are widely used for skin treatment today and there are more pros than cons in using them. Chemical peels treat several skin afflictions with permanent cure too.

Chemical peels refer to chemexfoliation which hints at the technique which can easily enhance the appearance of the skin. While doing the treatment, the solution is applied to the skin which blisters and one can easily peel the layer off. The regenerated skin is mostly smooth and clear, better than the wrinkled face which was present before. The new skin also becomes too sun-sensitive due to exposure.

Treatment Options for Aging Skin

Doctors now have resurfacing options for treating aging skin. Those patients who reported early skin changes, and treatment which is not surgical, have reported to have treated their problem. Chemical peels may be used alone or can be used with surgical procedures for different degrees of sun damage on the face.

If there are deeper facial lines, they can be treated with botulinum toxin and enhanced soft tissues with the likes of collagen and Goretex implants. Those who have excess skin will always find it good when they need to do a facelift, browlift, or eyelid removal.

One needs to treat the skin depending on facial characteristics and also take into consideration any allergies and cosmetic concerns that the individual might be having.

Chemical Peel Treatments and their efficacy

  • Reduce fine eye lines and those around the mouth
  • Treat face wrinkles caused by damage due to sunlight, aging as well as personal medical problem
  • Remove skin scars and spots
  • Acne treatment and various other maladies
  • Reduce freckles and dark patches which might occur due to pregnancy
  • Improve the texture, look and feel of facial skin and enhance its color
Some skin areas might have pre-cancerous keratoses which might be present on some spots. These spots can be treated effectively with the help of chemical peeling. New lesions are not likely to appear again on the same places.

But severe wrinkles are not healed easily with chemical peels. Some cosmetic surgical procedures might be essential for treating them; the best treatments include laser resurfacing, eyelid lift, or even soft tissue filler. A dermatologist can be consulted for the best treatment available for each of the individual cases.
Generally, it is seen that most fair-skinned patients can find better relief from chemical peels. Darker skins also show good results from chemical peel treatment but it all depends on types of skin being treated.

Chemical peels are usually treated in a surgery center wherein the skin is well cleansed with lotions which removes the excess oils. Some effective acids are applied to affected areas on the face. There are controlled wounds which then give way to regenerated skin.

To prepare for chemical peel treatment, you might be advised for topical preconditioning medications. After the treatment, one needs to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen at all times.

Use Better Complexions Skin care products for younger look. Chemical Peels are very affordable Peels for tattoo Removal. Skin Bleaching Cream is a natural methods for lightening skin tone, pigmentation without harsh Skin bleaching chemicals.